Top 12 smartest talking birds in the world




Cockatoos may not be known for their exceptional talking abilities, but they can certainly pick up a few words and phrases here and there. What they lack in linguistic proficiency, they more than make up for in their social and affectionate nature. These birds thrive on the attention and affection of their caretakers, and they aren’t afraid to show it. Be prepared to spend plenty of time interacting with your feathered friend if you decide to bring a cockatoo into your home. Fortunately, their willingness to bond with humans means they are often open to practicing new tricks, including language skills. With a little love and patience, your cockatoo just might surprise you with their newfound verbal prowess.

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8-Eclectus Parrot:


The Eclectus Parrot is a fascinating bird species that hails from various tropical regions, including Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea, and nearby islands. It’s an herbivore with a particular liking for fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, and even nectar. The bird loves to thrive in rainforests’ canopies, tree clumps in savannahs, and eucalypt woodlands. You’ll often spot them flying in small flocks or pairs, and they tend to roost in groups of up to 80 at night. These parrots are quite fascinating and can grow up to 30.5 to 35 cm (12.2 to 14in.) in length with a total wingspan of 50 cm (20in.). They are natural prey for possums, birds of prey, and introduced species such as wild dogs. These birds are known for their longevity as the average lifespan of a Grand Eclectus Parrot is approximately 50+ years in the wild. Anyone who loves such captivating creatures will find it exciting to spot one of these birds thriving in the tropical rainforests and monsoon forests of the regions of Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and the Indonesian Archipelago.

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7-Quaker Parrot:


Quaker parrots, or monk parakeets as they are also known, are charming and intelligent birds that are loved by many bird enthusiasts. However, they are considered illegal in some areas of the United States due to the potential for them to become invasive. If you are considering adopting a Quaker parrot, it is essential to check the local laws. Quakers are very social birds and tend to be fast learners. They can quickly pick up human speech and are a popular choice among novice bird owners who want to train their pet to talk. If you are looking for an outgoing and talkative companion, a Quaker parrot is an excellent choice, although make sure that you do your homework first to ensure that they are legal where you live.


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