Healthy Living

From antioxidants to fiber: the many health benefits of raisins


From antioxidants to fiber: the many health benefits of raisins
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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Raisins are one of the most popular dried fruits, and the latter is consumed all over the world, and due to its many nutritional properties, it may have some health benefits that you know about in this article.

What is raisin?

Raisins are dried grapes, which are packed with many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients and polyphenolsand many other dietary fibres. Natural raisins are dried in the sun until they become dark in color. It takes about 3 weeks for it to dry completely. It can also be dried in different ways.

Raisin nutritional value

The nutritional value of 1 packed cup (165 grams) of raisins.

Nutrients Quantity
Calories 508 calories
proteins 3.0 g
Fats 0.5 g
carbohydrates 123.1 g
fiber 11.2 g
calcium 40.60 mg
Iron 3.76 mg
magnesium 43.50 mg
potassium 7.83 mg

nutrients in raisins

1. Calories

Raisins are a food source rich in calories that provide the body with energy, as 100 grams of raisins contain 296 calories and 59 grams of sugar, so you should pay attention to the amount of raisins consumed.

2. Antioxidants

Raisins have many Antioxidant properties Natural works to protect against oxidative stress that leads to damage to body cells.

3. Dietary fiber

100 grams of raisins is equivalent 6.8g of Dietary Fiber 6.8g Fiber (carbohydrates) helps improve bowel movements, prevent constipation, and promotes a feeling of fullness for longer.

4. Minerals

Raisins are a rich source of vitamins and minerals such as selenium, iron and phosphorous, which facilitate the absorption of other nutrients.

Comparing fresh grapes and raisins?

Grapes contain about 80% water, while raisins contain only 15%. However, compared to grapes, raisins have nearly twice as many antioxidants, calories, and many vitamins including E, B1, and B2… Copper is among the minerals that are reduced by more than 40% in raisins compared to grapes. Grapes contain three times more antioxidants than raisins.

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The benefits of raisins

Health benefits of raisins

The most important health benefits of raisins include the following:

1. Treat constipation

Raisins contain a large amount of fiber that contributes to improving the digestion process and softening the stool, which facilitates its passage through the intestines and prevents constipation. It is also effective in treating stomach acidity and flatulence, due to the fact that it contains many minerals that contribute to balancing the acidity level. in stomach.

2. Supplying the body with energy

Raisins are a rich source of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy when feeling lethargic and lazy. It is also an excellent snack for athletes.

3. Reduce the incidence of heart disease

suggest some studies That the antioxidant properties of raisins, especially polyphenols, may have a role in improving cardiovascular health, and adding raisins to the diet helps to provide enough fiber that reduces the risk of heart disease.

4. Maintain a normal blood pressure level

Raisins contain a good amount of potassium compared to sodium, which relaxes the blood vessels. The dietary fiber in raisins reduces the hardening of blood vessels and improves blood pressure by increasing the antioxidant capacity of the plasma and lowering cholesterol levels, systolic blood pressure and molecules associated with the inflammatory response, thus reducing the risk of developing high blood pressure.

5. Reducing insulin levels in the blood

According to some studies Eating raisins on a regular basis helps lower blood sugar, despite the fact that it contains a concentrated amount of sugars.

6. Prevention of iron deficiency anemia

Iron is one of the minerals necessary for the human body, as it plays an essential role in the manufacture of hemoglobin protein (a protein found in red blood cells), which transports oxygen to all cells of the body. Therefore, eating raisins in moderate and balanced quantities contributes to the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

7. Reducing the risk of tooth decay

It was believed that raisins promote tooth decay due to its stickiness and sugar content. indicate Current studies That raisins do not contribute to tooth decay, but rather play an antibacterial role in the mouth, because it contains some nutrients, such as oleanolic acid and linoleic acid.

8. Protect eye health

The polyphenols in raisins help protect eye cells from free radical damage, which can protect the eye from many disorders, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Also read: Glaucoma or high eye pressure: its symptoms, causes, and treatment methods

9. Cancer prevention

Raisins are among the nutrients rich in antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative damage, which is one of the factors that mainly contribute to the development of tumors and cancers….

The benefits of raisins for a man

The natural sugars found in raisins help provide the body with energy, and antioxidants and arginine help treat erectile dysfunction in men, help treat infertility, and improve sperm movement.

Benefits of raisins for pregnant women

Consuming raisins during pregnancy helps provide the pregnant woman with the necessary energy and vitamins that the body needs during pregnancy to build and grow the fetus.

Benefits of raisins for breastfeeding

During the lactation period, focusing on healthy choices helps to increase milk supply. It is important to choose foods rich in protein, in addition to vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, including raisins, which are natural sources rich in multiple vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of raisins for the skin

Raisins have great benefits for skin health and freshness studies The presence of resveratrol in raisins helps protect skin cells from damage and prevent wrinkles.

Benefits of raisins for children

Raisins provide many health benefits for children as they are a rich source of carbohydrates and iron, which helps in treating constipation in children. It also helps in adjusting the acidity levels in children’s bodies, because it contains potassium and magnesium.

Raisins can be an alternative to sugary and unhealthy sweets for children, as they can be given to children between 8 to 9 months.

The benefits of raisins for sex

Raisins enhance sexual ability by containing a protein called arginine that helps sperm movement, and treats erectile dysfunction in men. The latter also provides the calories needed to increase energy in the body.

The benefits of raisins for memory

Some results showed studies Raisins significantly raise the levels of antioxidants in the blood, which enhances the cognitive and motor performance of individuals, in addition to improving the function of the nervous system and thus brain work and memory power.

What is the right time to eat raisins?

The morning period is the best time to eat raisins, in order to regulate blood pressure in the body, and provide the body with energy throughout the day. Incorporating 80 to 90 gm of raisins (equivalent to half a cup) in the daily diet may be beneficial to human health, as it prevents a range of health conditions that may be serious.

The harm of raisins to children

According American Dental Association (ADA)Sticky foods, including dried fruits, such as raisins, can damage teeth because they tend to stay on the teeth longer than other types of foods. If a child eats raisins frequently, it is important to rinse the mouth with water after eating the raisins and brush to remove any leftover raisins.

Frequently asked questions that may interest you

How many raisins a day for anemia?

Raisins are a good source of iron, as a cup contains 1.3 milligrams of iron, which is important for the production of red blood cells and helping them carry oxygen throughout the body. It is necessary to eat foods high in iron to prevent anemia.

Do raisins increase weight?

Some studies show that raisins can help control or lose weight. However, its high calorie content may lead to weight gain, so it is important to eat it in moderation to avoid weight gain.

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